terça-feira, julho 18, 2006

The Love Test

What Are You Like in Love?

When you're head over heels, you are an Independent Spirit

when you're in love, you're an Independent Spirit. Approximately 11% of people share this type with you. What does this title say about you?

If you had a theme song it would probably be "Don't Box Me In." independent spirits like you typically aren't fond of being crowded. On the contrary, you appreciate having the space to do your own thing and aren't one who often feels swayed by what others are up to. You're not the type who typically feels the need to hang out at the "cool" clubs or sample the latest restaurants. In fact, you may not even know the latest buzz about those things, since they really aren't important to you.

You probably prefer to come up with your own ideas of places to go and people to spend time with. Others are naturally drawn to your sense of creativity and mystery that surrounds your life. Sometimes you will treasure their company, but only if you avoid super-dependent types who want to be with you all the time. Finding a like-minded spirit like you, someone who prizes their independence as much as you do, will probably bring you and your mate the most happiness.

Now that you have general sketch of your love personality, you should understand the 7 core personality dimensions that determined it.

Dimension #7: Independent versus Connected
People who are highly connected tend to make their relationships with others a priority. They keep in close touch with family and friends when they can and are usually softhearted, empathic people.

Highly independent people tend to be less open with those around them than their connected counterparts. They typically enjoy having time to themselves. Independent types are apt to search for meaning in ideas, things, or particular experiences more often than in their relationships. As a result, they can be at their best whether they're in a relationship or flying solo.

Compared with the other people who took this test, your score weighed more heavily on the realistic end of the scale. This means that although you surely appreciate the presence of others in your life, you're often your own best companion. In fact, there are certain things that you probably prefer to do alone, even if you don't have to. Whether you enjoy taking yourself to a movie now and then or simply for a quiet drive, you seem to be one of those people who understand that quality time doesn't always have to mean social time. So while you likely appreciate the chance to socialize with friends and family, you're apt to covet your down time as well.

When it comes to relationships, you're not usually one to dive right in with your heart on your sleeve. Instead, you're more likely to hold back a bit and open up to the new romance more slowly. This kind of distance may simply feel safer. However, once you let yourself fall deeply in love, you can develop as close and real a bond as anyone out there.

The Ultimate Personality Test

You're a Lethal Weapon!

You're open-minded, enthusiastic, and popular. Chances are you might even break the rules sometimes. You're motivated and serious, and you always jump at the chance to take on a new project. Innovation and abstract thinking are your strengths.

You get cabin fever if you're cooped up too long. Sometimes you'd rather just work on an independent project so you can concentrate without having to deal with people. And you secretly question your self-worth.

And that's just scratching the surface!

Why Are You Still Single

You're single because you don't want to slow down

Whether you're working all hours, busy with school, or planning a cross-country move, it sounds like you just don't have time for anyone else in your life...right now, that is. Your timing may be off in other aspects, too. Chances are, you've met that perfect person who just so happens to be married or planning their own cross-country move. So take a step back for a moment. Is there something underlying this? Could it be you're afraid to get involved for some reason or another, and are therefore attracted to people who are simply unavailable?

Whether you're secretly sabotaging yourself or not, try a little exercise. Open your mind to those who are around you (and available!) right now. Then let up on your schedule to let that someone in. That is, unless you want to get married to your goals, and not Mr. or Mrs. Right.

Testes Idiotas

You find love in a Mischievous Meeting

A foreign affair with an exotic stranger. A surprise weekend getaway with your long-time love. These are the fantasies that fill your daydreams. When it comes to romance, your imagination and sense of adventure are in the driver's seat. You have a zest for life that welcomes spontaneity with open arms, and you look for a partner who has the wit and wiles to keep up with you...or to lead the way, as long as you're tripping the light fantastic together.

While you love mystery and mischief in your romantic encounters, you're also not afraid to make a commitment to someone. You just make sure that keeping it interesting, passionate, and fun are high on their agendas, too. And that doesn't sound mischievous to us at all.

segunda-feira, julho 10, 2006


Somos os filhos odiados, as sementes seleccionadas que a geração pariu e que excluíu por sermos demasiado impertinenes, por ultrapassarmos os limites das perguntas para as quais haviam respostas... E porquê? E para quê tudo isto?

Someone Take Me Away!

Apetece-me uma aventura. Mas uma aventura com paixão. Alguém apareça ou reapareça, e me leve daqui! Para o fim do mundo, para uma praia deserta, para o cimo de uma montanha, para um vale perdido... Estou farto, farto de tudo. Farto do álcool, farto da droga, farto da procura, farto da provocação, farto da fuga em frente, farto do enfrentamento, farto das recordações, farto da apatia, farto da monotonia, farto da saudade, farto da novidade, farto da insegurança, farto do medo, farto da cobardia, farto do planeamento, farto do pensamento, farto do vazio... Quero alguém que me preencha, alguém que eu possa preencher, sem me vir depois cobrar o que quer que seja, que não tenha outro tempo verbal que não o presente, do momento instantâneo... Preciso dela com urgência. Onde a palavra amor não se evoque, apenas se sinta sem a certeza ou necessidade de senti-lo... O meu cérebro está vazio, o meu corpo ausente... Aguardo-te apenas a ti.., o presente...

O destino não está traçado, és tu que o traças quando decides não vir, sejas lá tu quem sejas... Sou eu que o traço quando não te procuro... É o medo que destrói...

E o tempo, que não espera...

Oito e Meio

Acho que sou incapaz de amar alguém...
Amo imagens, miragens, apaixono-me por figuras, não por pessoas, e cada dia tenho uma nova paixão... E uma nova desilusão...